Training to Bridge the Gap
Alfonso Molina alt the Italian Innovation Summit in Milano on December 11.
The Italian Innovation Summit will be held on December 11 at Assolombarda’s “Giorgio Squinzi” Auditorium in Milan. The summit is organised by “Sole24Ore Eventi” in collaboration with Microsoft.
“Thanks to the addresses by institutional decision-makers, experts in various sectors, and representatives of industry, as well as the presentation of business case histories, the event aims to provide a complete overview of the current state and outlook of the digitalisation of public administrations and businesses and serve as a practical guide for all SMES seeking to innovate in an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable manner.”
The event will also address training as a key element to bridge the skills divide. The Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Alfonso Molina, will address this in the panel dedicated to “Solutions for Business. Accelerating on Training to Bridge the Gap with the Most Advanced Countries,” moderated by Luca Orlando, journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore.