The Future of Education
The Congress on the Future (Santiago del Chile, January 19-24 is organized by the Senate of the local administration in collaboration with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Santiago.
The fifth edition of the initiative will present a debate between the Latin American country and global scientific experts and, in particular, on the transformations occurring in the 21st century that will radically change human life and that of the planet. Every scientific discovery and technological development presents a new world of opportunities, threats, questions, challenges and decisions that must be confronted by all of humanity. The Congresso del Futuro invites all citizens to understand these transformations, comprehend their repercussions and raise their voice to mould the future.
Professor Alfonso Molina, who is Chilean, has been called as one of the international experts that will debate the great challenges facing our planet.
Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Personal Chair in Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh, where he has taught for over twenty years, has carried out extensive theoretical and practical work focused on the development of an environment or platform integrating academic theories, instruments of practical application, and projects on a variety of themes (technological and social innovation, multi-sector clusters for local development, ICT-based didactic innovation, etc.). Professor Molina conceived the first social phyrtual innovation environment (Phyrtual.org) and the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Today, Thursday, January 21 at 1 pm, Prof Alfonso Molina will hold a lectio magistralis on The Future of Education and the Life Education Model. You can follow the lesson via live streaming at: http://janus-1.senado.cl/#1453351209
Prof Molina’s will also participate in a talk on January 24 (10-12 am) on Science Models / Innovation as a Social Development Engine with Alejandra Mustakis and María Pía Rossignaud.
Italy will be represented at the Congress by Maria Pia Rossignaud and Stefano Mancuso. La former is a journalist, Director of Media Duemila, an Italian magazine on digital culture, and Vice President of the “Osservatorio TuttiMedia” Cultural Association. On Saturday, she will participate in the talk with Alfonso Molina. The latter is one of the foremost authorities on vegetal neurobiology and is the founder and Director of the International Plant Neurobiology Laboratory at the University of Florence.
You can follow the works (@congresofuturo) on Twitter with hashtags: #5CongresoFuturo and #CongresoFuturo.