Fondazione Mondo Digitale
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) is committed to the creation of an inclusive learning society in which innovation, instruction, inclusion and fundamental values are all combined to work together. The potential benefits offered by learning, new technologies and innovation must be made available to everyone without any form of discrimination. The FMD mission is to promote the sharing of human knowledge, social innovation, and social inclusion, with particular orientation to the categories at greatest risk of being excluded (the elderly, immigrants, unemployed young people, etc.).
FMD is a non-profit organization that has been guided since its establishment in 2001 as Consorzio Gioventù Digitale by Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro. The Foundation is based in Rome and works at local, national, and international levels.
FMD works as a learning-based non-profit organization with an integrated action-research development and implementation (ARD&I) program. A complete and continuous cycle accompanies operators in the academic world for the development of tools and projects required in the worlds of education, digital inclusion, and its work in territories and communities. One strategic aspect is phyrtuality, the integration of the physical and the virtual dimensions in all the innovation processes it promotes.
FMD works with companies, schools, non-profit organizations, local, regional, and national authorities, and European partnerships. Its various activities involve the entire nation of Italy and many countries in Europe and abroad.
FMD has a dynamic and deeply-rooted presence at local level because it always makes the human individual the key figure in any activity it supports. FMD proposes innovative learning processes based on the use of new digital technologies to schools and young people for 21st century education and the development of the precious lifeskills required for success today.
FMD has developed a rich and innovative platform of content, activities, tools, and projects over the past ten years that deal with many of the most urgent strategic challenges. These areas of activity and projects are described in greater detail in the section entitled WHAT WE DO.