I have worked on the creation of a holistic work programme for the FMD. This workprogramme seeks to integrate Action Research, Development and Implementation (ARD&I).
The Table below provides an overview of the ARD&I programme and its main elements. The title in the first row indicates that the ARD&I programme is for social innovation contributing to the development of an inclusive knowledge society.
The second row indicates that the FMD’s activities seek to blend four elements that I consider distinctive in an inclusive knowledge society: innovation, education (life-long learning), digital inclusion, and fundamental values such as freedom, justice, generosity, social responsibility, equality, fair competition, etc.
The third row shows the level of projects that aim to touch people’s lives. This pursuit is the raison d’être of all others since the FMD is fundamentally about serving individuals, communities and the planet. Three major areas of projects interact in the work of the FMD, (a) ICT-based educational innovation in schools, (b) e-inclusion of sectors of the population at risk of remaining out of the benefits of the unfolding knowledge society (for instance, older people, immigrants, refugees, etc.), and (c) social innovation for community/territorial development. At this implementation level the Foundation works with and gather support from local, regional, national, and European government, as well as from companies, NGOs and community organizations. The Table provides a list of various areas of projects the FMD is pursuing in both life-long learning education and e-inclusion.
The fourth row “Instrument and Platforms” is integrally related to the fifth row “Innovation Theories” and, as said, they seek to serve the “Implementation” row. Of course, the relationship is not uni-directional since the “Implementation” row allows for the constant feedback and continuous improvement of the platforms, instruments and theories. The “instrument and platforms” activities seek to develop a variety of elements that can be directly inputted in the implementation projects. These include knowledge objects such as short videos for web publication, brief case studies collected in books (two books so far), in-depth case studies published by the Foundation and, potentially, leading to the formulation of papers for publication in academic journals. At this level, my academic theory of “sociotechnical alignment” is being developed into a software tool called Innovation Strategy Tool. This will allow the online assessment of strengths and weakness of the processes of social innovation represented by specific projects. In turn, this tool will be part of an innovative knowledge-based, community-building virtual innovation platform called Phyrtual. The first version of this platform is operational and it materializes the vision of a future populated by phyrtual social innovation movements.
The final row “Practical Philosophy” is the least developed so far, although its foundations have been laid with the development of the concepts of “pragdealism”, holistic humanism and phyrtual innovation movements. At the heart of these concepts is the idea that an inclusive knowledge society will only be possible is people change fundamentally their mindsets and, consequently, their behaviour.
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Sed placerat ornare ex sit amet accumsan. Suspendisse interdum dapibus pulvinar. Maecenas venenatis orci in vulputate facilisis. Curabitur ut elementum lacus. Suspendisse ipsum dolor, varius in tincidunt quis, molestie quis purus. Donec quis pellentesque ex, sed suscipit sapien. Nam non purus a ante tempus pulvinar nec in lacus.