The Digital Divide: The Need for a Global e-Inclusion Movement
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 15, N.1, 2003, p. 137-152.
Today there is consensus in that the use of ICTs brings major opportunities as well as threats to the development of poorer countries and communities. This consensus is
underpinning the emergence of many initiatives aimed at tackling the challenge of the digitaldivide. This paper examines the nature and magnitude of the digital divide and stresses the importance of the formation of a global movement focused on the e-inclusion. It describes the experiences of one project from Chile aimed at bringing hope to people excluded by disability and poverty. The paper ends with a number of ideas to help stimulate the formation of the global movement. A brief Postscript is added to inform of the practical steps that have followed the writing of the original paper and to invite everybody to join it starting by visiting the website www.e-inclusionsite.org.