Journal articles

Understanding the Emergence of a Large Scale European Initiative In Technology

Understanding the Emergence of a Large Scale European Initiative In Technology

In: Science and Public Policy (1994) 21 (1): 31-41. European information...

In search of insights into the generation of techno-economic trends: Micro and macro-constituencies in the microprocessor industry
Integrating the creation, production and diffusion of technology in the design of large-scale and targeted European IT programmes
Europe’s IT strategy moves closer to the users: The Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative (OMI)
Competitive strategies in the microprocessor industry: the case of an emerging versus an established technology

Competitive strategies in the microprocessor industry: the case of an emerging versus an established technology

In: International Journal of Technology Management Risc (reduced instruction set computer)...

Pressures for Change in the Global Distribution of the Microprocessor Industry

Pressures for Change in the Global Distribution of the Microprocessor Industry

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Volume 4, 1992 – Issue 1...

The Social Basis of the Microelectronics Revolution

The Social Basis of the Microelectronics Revolution

Using comparative data from Europe, the United States and Japan this...

Transputers and transputer-based parallel computers: Sociotechnical constituencies and the build up of British-European capabilities in information technology
Emerging neural computing in the USA, Japan and UK/Europe

Emerging neural computing in the USA, Japan and UK/Europe

In: Science and Public Policy (1990) 17 (6): 363-371. Neural networks...

1992 and European integration: opportunities and difficulties in high technology collaboration

In: Futures, vol. 22, p. 496-524 This article examines the development...