Paralympics and Cybathlon
At the RomeCup 2018, the world of school, university and enthusiasts listened to the lectio magistralis by Robert Reiner, the inventor of the Cybathlon, the first international competition in which individuals with disabilities are allowed to use assistive bionic technology. Unfortunately, we noticed that the time had not yet come to introduce the Cybathlon experience to Italy and organise real competitions. However, now, thanks to the success of the Italian team at the Tokyo Paralympics, a new mentality is arising; we can interest public opinion and the scientific community in the needs of those living with motor disabilities. Are we ready to become enthusiastic about challenges between bionic athletes?
The new post on the HuffPost Blog by FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina launches a proposal to organise the first Cybathlon.
Dopo le Paralimpiadi organizziamo un Cybathlon
by Alfonso Molina
HuffPost, Aug. 31, 2021