Molina a Didattiche.2018
The International Didattiche.2018 Conference (Oct. 12-13) organised by the Centro Studi Erickson, in collaboration with Rizzoli Education, Oxford University Press and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale begins today [see press release].
Tomorrow (2:00 – 2:45 pm), there will be a Visual Talk with Alfonso Molina, co-founder and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will hold one of the four visual talks scheduled by the rich programme. The appointment is at 2 pm in the Sala dell’Arengo (Palacongressi di Rimini).
After decades of consolidated didactic methods and content, why has innovation become fundamental, today, in schools? What is changing in society and in the world of education? What is innovation and how has it evolved over time? Are there different types of innovation? Why is it so hard to transfer an innovation model for schools on a national scale? What fundamental elements must be faced in an innovation process?
These are some of the questions that Alfonso Molina will try to answer during his presentation, which will be divided in two parts: the first will provide an overview of the ongoing developments and trends in innovation, especially in education, while the second will focus on the innovation process.
Co-founder and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Prof. Molina is Personal Chair in Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh. As a researcher he has focused on the theory and practice of technological, social and educational innovation. He has collaborated as a consultant for the European Union, the UK Government and with various European capitals, besides serving as President for various international juries.
At the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Prof. Molina conceived the Phyrtual FactoryProgramme, the first inclusive accelerator for self-enterprise, the Phyrtual.orgInnovation Portal, and the Multi-Sector Network for Educational Robotics in Italy bringing together schools, research centres and industry. In 2014, he launched the National Network of Phyrtual Innovation Gyms as a place to practice Life Education for the 21st Century. Prof. Molina has authored books, academic articles, reports, models and reviews. Most recently, he has published Life Education and Digital Inclusion (Erickson, 2016).