Immersive Technology in Didactic Activities
Eduverse trials at Binario F with Vagone FMD
After the session dedicated to the metaverse for cultural goods [see news: Testing the Metaverse at Binario F], yesterday, Binario F held the second meeting of the new Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100 in the Metaverse Programme, developed with Meta. We devised an involving schedule of activities to allow policymakers and stakeholders to explore how the metaverse works and verify possible applications in a range of areas, especially as a public utility service. Short interactive sessions provide participants with a complete experience that can be replicated various times to focus on new tools and scenarios.
Here are some of the ideas that emerged in the “From Metaverse to Eduverse” meeting, as summarized by Press Officer Onelia Onorati.
Costanza Andreini, Public Policy Manager Italy, Meta – we believe in a metaverse without barriers and with interconnected platforms. Our goal is to intervene before best practices are created to influence the experimental phase. We believe the metaverse may provide efficient learning experiences and we are investing in elements related to culture and education.
Matteo Uggeri, Gamification and e-Learning Expert, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (in videoconference) – Teachers must become demiurges of the virtual, where classes may allow students to create their own learning spaces. Soft skills include social skills to “learn to learn,” reflect on oneself, efficiently manage time and information, work with others constructively, remain resilient and manage learning. However, it will also be necessary to understand citizenship to learn and participate fully in civic and social life, based on the understanding of social concepts and structures.
Marina Foggia, Vice President, IIS Luigi Einaudi, Rome – for those of us who have already participated in Project “Influencer for a Day,” the metaverse provided a basis for an internal challenge that became a strategy, as well as an educational practice from the eduverse.
Cristiana Angelini, Professor, IIS Luigi Einaudi – Project “Influencer for a Day” included a STEAM course. Students were first involved in research and then worked in groups to develop their proposals. Following the feedback provided by classmates and professors, they finetuned their original ideas.
Licia Cianfriglia, Director, Partnership and Institutional Relations Coordinator, ANP – Soft skills are necessary in 3D graphics, design, mathematics and Italian. We need interoperability to remain free, but also authors to develop quality content. The experience is very cooperative at a didactic level but requires an underlying strategy.
Clara Vittori, School Administrator, Liceo Mariano Buratti, Viterbo – we need to first ask ourselves why we need to adopt the metaverse. This reality could help us drive inclusion and sustainability.
Lucia Presilla, School Administrator, Liceo Talete, Rome – historical and artistic reconstructions will have to provide both aesthetic and philologically correct content.
Paolo Fatiganti, School Administrator, Istituto Comprensivo Canevari, Viterbo – start with validated content, such a visit to a virtual museum, to develop the ability to gather material, interact, and only subsequently begin to create. Everything should be open source and replicable, from users to creators.
Silvia Mazzoni, School Administrator, Istituto comprensivo Torgiano-Bettona, Torgiano (Perugia) – What does the metaverse allow us to do that we couldn’t before? We must be sure that every new technology be not only catchy, but also provide a true creative application.
Gianna Barbieri, Director General, MIUR – in this phase, we have activated a round of meetings with third parties, our suppliers, to adopt IT systems. We will act in coordination with schools. Because of its dedication to innovation and inclusion, even FMD will be part of our techical-scientific committee. The DG aims to help schools select the best resources.
Antonietta Zancan, Director, Advanced Education Office, MIUR – I have been working for four years with the ITS Academy, a two-year post-diploma short cycle for work insertion that is parallel to university studies. This is a reality in which technology can truly be useful to develop know-how for the professions of the future.
Michele Covolan, Director Personnel AFAM, Ministry of University and Research – I was struck by the musical implications of the metaverse. Think about the remote performances that were held during the pandemic, when we couldn’t meet in person.
Sonia Schirato, School Administrator, Liceo Plauto, Rome – One of the major issues will be exciting the professors that are called to employ the metaverse. This is a great eduational opportunity providinga wide range of tools to students.
Daniela Venturi, School Administrator, Sandro Pertini, Lucca – thanks to the opportunities provided by PNRR calls, each eacher will find a way to use this technology.
Manuela Cenciarini, School Administrator, IIS Paolo Borsellino e Giovanni Falcone, Zagarolo (Rome) – class councils must involve teachers in developing and implementing projects in daily activities.
Claudio Naddeo, School Administrator, IIS F. Trani, Salerno – full support for the development of independent, inclusive courses. The metaverse can also be used for school meetings.
Cinzia Meatta, School Administrator, Istituto omnicomprensivo R. Laporta, Fabro (Terni) – I will transmit these stimuli to my school, notwithstanding the risk posed by a technological gap. We also need to concentrate on teacher training.
Conclusions by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, FMD – not all schools are at the same level, nor do they have the same equipment and projects. This is why we need to innovate with what is at hand, what already exists. The input we wish to transmit today is to begin a course starting from the points that have emerged today. Start from your experiences to understand at what point we are as schools. Exploit the opportunity provided by Binario F, where we have experimented with the metaverse thanks to Meta. In the future, this basis will provide an ideal spark to drive the market and companies to answer the needs of the world of education.