Global Citizens
As anticipated in our weekly agenda, the Rome Liceo Edoardo Amaldi is beginning its PCTO course on soft skills and orientation to sustainability developed by FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina. The title of the course – A Sustainability Gym Tor Bella Monaca – is part of the three-year Smart & Heart Rome programme, promoted with funding from the City of Rome – Department for Digital Transformation.
The Liceo Edoardo Amaldi in Tor Bella Monaca has been equipped with the first indoor drone flight camp in an Italian public school and is dedicated to the issue of environmental sustainability.
The 30-hour course, developed with the contribution of the Department of Civil and Computer Engineering at the University or Rome “Tor Vergata”, will allow students to develop projects to measure atmospheric pollution in their areas, discover the potential of drones for environmental monitoring and develop new skills for research and professional sectors that are expanding rapidly. The course will provide students with the opportunity to investigate the concept of personal and planetary sustainability as part of a single systematic process and reflect on their crucial role for fair, conscientious and sustainable growth.
The course will involve 20 third-year students and will be held in presence at the drone field and the classrooms of the Rome Liceo Amaldi. The course also includes on-demand content and both individual and group projects.
Today’s module, which addresses holistic sustainability and personal ecosystems, will be held by FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina. During the course of the session, students will learn to use the Personal Ecosystem Canvas, a personal and collective development tool, conceived by Prof. Molina, to investigate personal ecosystems and align them with the social and professional spheres.
At the end of the course, students will receive a “Global Citizen” open badge certifying their ability to independently conceive and produce digital content. Digital citizens communicate more efficiently through tools and channels; collaborates with different skills and roles, sharing objects and values. They are aware of the critical issues and complexity of global scenarios and able to think critically. conduct critical thinking.
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