Community Faces and Voices

Community Faces and Voices

Christmas Party 2024: Stories of Change and Digital Inclusion

On Monday, December 16, we celebrated Christmas with our community at Binario F, which welcomed us for a second consecutive year.

Community Faces and Voices” is the title we gave to an open and engaging conversation – which was broadcast live and is available as a podcast – between Michele Gerace, innovator and science communicator, and Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Personal Chair in Technology Strategy (University of Edinburgh), and individuals who have had first-hand experience of the social value of the initiatives promoted by FMD.

From senior centres to schools and the the world of work and volunteering, the event highlighted how technological development, supported by inclusive training programmes, can provide concrete opportunities for everyone. The experiences of Concetta Di Giacomo, President of the “Casa dell’Amicizia Esquilino APS” Elderly Centre, Massimo Pescatori,  a teacher at the Volterra High School in Ciampino (Rome), Sonia Ionta, who is looking for employment (Project SWAT), and Massimiliano Dibitonto, UX Manager at Olivetti (skills volunteering) provided authentic stories of empowerment, educational innovation, and solidarity.

With a final look to the future, Alfonso Molina outlined the vision of an inclusive knowledge society in which no one is left behind. The exchange ended with a concrete invitation to follow the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and continue building new opportunities for digital and social growth, together.

Before opening the doors to the community, the FMD staff, together with the digital civil service volunteers, gathered for a moment of restitution. “We reviewed our year in 20 words that represent the moments spent together and a year full of challenges and achievements,” explains Alberta Testa. Each employee commented on the year that is about to end with a significant word and phrase. A choral story that the generative AI defined as “a mosaic of intertwined values, reflecting the very essence of this Foundation, whose strength lies not only in what is done, but in how it is done: with passion, with dedication and with a shared vision.” In short, “not just the story of a past year, but a promise for the year to come.”

An important recognition came from our Scientific Director, Alfonso Molina, who reminded us that “not only what we do, not only how we do it, but also who we are, who you are, makes this organization great.”

It was very nice to see ourselves through the eyes of those observing us from the outside. “Voices from the Community” describe us as a close-knit and joyful team and our president, Renato Brunetti, pointed out that he was proud of us and our work, of being part of this “invincible team.”

A day full of ideas, a window on the human value and social impact that we generate. Smiles, hugs and even wild dances sealed an invisible pact between us and our community and confirm a fact: the human factor is the greatest driver of social change.

Happy Holidays from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale