Civic Leadership
“Civic Leadership for Tomorrow’s Cities. Managerial Competences for Development” is the title of the workday promoted by Prioritalia, an association founded in 2012 by Manageritalia, Federmanager, Fenda, Fidia, Sindirettivo and CIDA, the major unions of Italian managers.
The appointment is for today in Rome at the Ara Pacis (Via di Ripetta 190). The day will be divided into two sessions. The first (2-5:30 pm) includes three worktables:
- THE DIGITAL TOMORROW: Enterprise and Digital Networks
- #industria4.0 #startup #incubatoridimpresa #fablab #creativi #CSR #manifatturadigitale #nanotecnologie #makers
- THE OPEN TOMORROW: Social Innnovation and Urban Regeneration
- #openinnovation #partecipazione #inclusione #designsociale #coliving #architetturapaesaggistica #riqualicazione #impactinvesting
- THE SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW: Circular Economy and Sustainable Development
- #spaziverdipubblici #mobilitàsostenibile #riconversionenergetica #smartgrid #greeneconomy #riutilizzomateriali
Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the “Digital Tomorrow” roundtable.
The second part of the works will feature a plenary session beginning at 5:30 pm.
Welcome coffee & Registration
Works Open
- Marcella Mallen, President Prioritalia
- Maria Elena Boschi, Italian Minister for Constitutional Reform and Parliamentary Relations
- Stefano Cuzzilla, President, Federmanager
- Alberto Irace, CEO, ACEA
- Paolo Messa, Board of Directors, RAI
- Carlo Purassanta, CEO, Microsoft Italy
- Sarah Varetto, Director, Sky TG24