Alfonso Molina’s blogpost on the HuffPost
“I believe that enterprise is the key skill to orient oneself in this century of complexity. It’s the ability to understand oneself in an organized manner, create a personal ecosystem, and develop it over time. It is a type of prerequisite to orient oneself in studies, investing in specific training, developing a personal project or taking a step towards a new job. Starting from our personal sphere, we can help others understand and recompose misaligned dimensions related to the external world, including the “division between economic system, institutions and cultural orientation.”
The new post by Scientific Director Alfonso Molina, published on the Italian version of HuffPost, was inspired by an article by sociologist Mauro Magatti entitled “La centralità (perduta) del lavoro” [The (Lost) Focus on Work] published on the Corriere della Sera (Oct. 7, 2022).
The challenge today is to educate ourselves to self-awareness and to the complexity of a changing world, helping youth to orient themselves in a society in continuous and rapid transformation and marked by uncertainty.
by Alfonso Molina
HuffPost, Oct. 13, 2022