2nd Italy-Chile Forum
Chile and Italy have a long-standing relation based on collaboration and cooperation that has been reinforced, both politically and academically, by the presence of important Italian communities in Chile and Chilean communities in Italy. Recently, this relation has been further strengthened in terms of politics, trade and culture.
The Reuch Network was founded in 2011 by nine universities in both countries to hold joint activities focusing on inter- and transdisciplinary activities in science, technology and innovation for the renewables sector (especially geothermal energy) and the planning and management of environmental resources.
After the first Chile-Italy Academic Forum, which was held in May 2019 in Concepción (Chile), the Italian and Chilean partners organised the Second Chile-Italy Academic Forum (Sept. 21-23, 2021). The hybrid event (both on-line and in presence) will be held in Bologna [see programme].
The main objective of the Forum is to strengthen cooperation amongst Italian and Chilean universities with a special focus on multidisciplinary priority issues for which collaboration is already underway.
FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina will participate in the workshop on “Human Sciences and Humanities” and present the Life Education Model.